
See? I told you I'd still post.

My upcoming transition into full-time office jockeyhood leaves me with a problem: There is no decent coffee in the neighborhood of my office. None. Zip. Zilch.

We will occasionally venture across the street to the gas station, where one naturally finds some bastardization of "Gourmet Colombian Supremo" that's been cooking on a burner all day. (At least they have International Delights flavored individual packets of half-and-half. Um, yum?)

There's also a very neglected office coffeemaker, but…well, to be honest, I don't trust it any more than I do the sludge in the quick-mart downstairs.

Having an electric pot on my desk is a little much (I mean, really), and I'm not terribly fond of cleaning up after press pots (ironic!), which brings us to our current pickle.

A little browsing turned up this lovely Bodum insu-pot, and I wondered if anyone reading had any experience with it:

She sure is a beaut, there's no denying that!

We have hot-cold watercoolers, and I wonder if it would be hot enough to brew and sustain a nice fresh pot, or if I'm going to be stuck sipping lukewarm New Guinea for the rest of my desk-bound days. Am I just going to have to face the behemoth in the kitchen and bring in my own coffee? That doesn't seem fair. At least this way I can always offer to people sitting in my immediate pod.

Please advise! The grammatical integrity of the magazine depends on my sustained enjoyment of good coffee!